Silicic Acid Esters | Silicates | Polysilicates | Orthosilicates | Silane Passivating Agents

SiSiB® PC5423

Ethyl Polysilcate 32.
Synonym: Ethyl Silicate 32
Chemical Structure

SiSiB® PC5423 is a hydrolyzed and oligomerized form of ethyl silicate. It is a mixture of monomers, dimers, trimers and cyclic polysiloxanes. SiSiB® PC5423 is a transparent liquid containing 32% silica (SiO2) by mass, but in practice, in addition to chain condensates, it also contains branch-shaped and ring-shaped condensates.
Typical Physical Properties
Chemical Name: Ethyl Silicate 32
CAS No.: 11099-06-2 or 68412-37-3
EINECS No.: 234-324-0 or 270-184-7
Empirical Formula: N/A
Molecular Weight: app.260
Silica Content: 32%
Boiling Point: N/A°C [760mmHg]
Flash Point: 38°C
Color and Appearance: Colorless transparent liquid
SiO2 content: 0.96
Refractive Index [25°C]: 32.0%
Active Content: Min.99.0%
SiSiB® PC5423 is used to deposit silicic acid formed as a result of complete hydrolysis.The resulting silicic acid bonds well to many inorganic substrates, such as ceramic, fillers, glass, metal, pigments and synthetic fibers. The deposition of a thin SiO2 layer improves the chemical and the thermal stability and mechanical properties.

SiSiB® PC5423 can be used as a binder in zinc-rich (corrosion resistant) coating.

SiSiB® PC5423 can be used as a starting material for sol-gel process.

SiSiB® PC5423 can be used as a crosslinker component in cold curing silicone rubber systems.

SiSiB® PC5423 can be used as a hardening component in dentistry for impression materials and as binder for embedding material.

SiSiB® PC5423 can be used as a binder in precision foundry industry.
Net weight 190Kg steel drum or 950Kg IBC container, for more details, please visit Packing Centre.
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